
Software Engineer

PHP | Vue.js

About me

Hi there, I'm Alberto, a computer science graduate with a passion for technology and problem-solving. Working in tech since 2015, I've honed my skills in web development and contributed to the success of various companies by developing innovative solutions and improving systems performances.

I'm also proud to say that I code in PHP since 2018. I have an eye for detail and a love for clean, scalable and maintainable code. Working with PHP has taught me to be a problem solver, finding creative solutions to complex issues. I'm always on the lookout for new technologies and tools to help me achieve the best results for my clients.

When I'm not busy coding, you can find me busy with my other interests. I'm a constant reader, always looking to learn new things and expand my knowledge. I'm an avid gamer, and I enjoy losing myself in virtual worlds. And on occasion, I pick up my guitar and learn a new song or two.

I like the idea of knowing a little bit about many things, and I think my diverse interests have helped me to become a better problem solver, and a more creative person. I bring this same passion for learning and growth to my work, constantly seeking to improve and innovate.

My goal as a professional is to continue developing my technical skills and knowledge while helping companies achieve their business goals. I'm excited to collaborate with like-minded individuals and contribute to exciting projects. So feel free to explore my website and get in touch with me. I'd love to hear from you!

The website


Tips, opinion and knowledge


Projects I'm working on





Other technologies